"What is JEBCommerce Reading – May 2, 2012?"

JEBCommerce is fortunate to be located in one of the most beautiful areas of Northern Idaho; Coeur d Alene.  Now, we realize that we might be biased but when you are surrounded by snow-capped mountains year around, glorious lakes and rivers, hiking trails at every turn, the world’s only floating green, amazing restaurants and interesting shops, you can’t help feel that you are one of the privileged.

However, glancing at the weather reports the last few days, one might begin to doubt their lucky.  Forecast for the next week or more– rain, rain, rain and yes more rain.  And as we all know in this region, where there is rain, there is cold and gray skies.  But then, just as we began to feel like the weather was outside; cold and gray; we happened upon Anthony J. D’Angelo brilliant quote, “Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”  It seemed instantly, our mood changed and our focus improved.

Exciting News for JEBCommerce!  Two of our brilliant and extremely hard working staff members have been featured in an online article.  Please read about the amazing job that Jon Goodwin and Geoff Marshall are doing for one of our clients, Eastern Mountain Sports.  The article titled “Affiliate Marketing: Communicating with Your Affiliates” focuses on one of the great services that we offer to our clients – email newsletters for efficient communication with affiliates.  Please check it out!

We hope you enjoy our articles, share a few of your own and if you are in this area, stay dry!!

Brian Secrist –  “The BlackBerry 10 Camera App Can Turn Back Time”

Danielle Doughery –  “Oxford Docs:  We Can Prevent PTSD… With Tetris”

Geoff Marshall –  “Today’s Top Stores:  Facebook Adds Organ Donor Status, Samsunt Ships 93.8 Million Phones in Q1”

Jen Dorman – “July 9 could be “Internet doomsday’ for some (so check your PC or Mac”

Jennifer Ramb –  “‘Bullied’ dolphin hiding from pushy pod, officials say”

Jamie Birch –  “Google Crushes Spinners and Spammers”

Jamie Tapia –  “Hiring Issues and Healthcare Put Damper on Small Business Growth”

Jon Goodwin –  “Super Secret Hypersonic Aircraft Flew Out of Its Skin”

Maryellen Garasky –  “Microsoft’s Nook deal is a real ‘game changer’

Richard Hawkins –  “Grammatical Gaffes on the Web are the Worstest”

Shannon Simmons – “Dentist Anna Mackowiak pulled out all of ex-boyfriend’s teeth after he dumped her”

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