Work began with a full analysis of their website. Within minutes, our testing uncovered a major red flag: Since launching its new site in October, their cart abandonment increased 900%. That’s equivalent to six figures in lost revenue, in just two months.

Since launching its new site ... cart abandonment increased 900%. That’s equivalent to six figures in lost revenue, in just two months.
To address the abandoned cart issue, we created a mobile segment to isolate users who had made it to the cart page but failed to complete the purchase process. The data showed that a large percentage of these users attempted to go through the buying process a second time, before having the same issue that prevented the completed sale in their first attempt. They then left the site.
Upon discovering this information, we dove into deeper analyses to pinpoint the exact step where the issue was occurring. Within days, we had worked with the brand’s in-house developers to resolve the problem.
Preliminary tests of highly and poorly performing product groups showed another area for attention: Fleece Performance, a brand sold on their site, was pulling in significant irrelevant traffic from people searching for fleece jackets, not diesel parts. Through advanced analytics, our experts zeroed in on the keywords that were leading irrelevant traffic to the site and worked with their team to curtail spending in these areas that didn’t generate results.
To take it a step further, we revised the overall ad strategy to focus on common diesel problems that potential customers would search for, and created targeted ads.

With our help, this well-known diesel parts distributor fixed a 6-figure cart abandonment issue and is running a paid search campaign that’s performing 10x better YOY, for the same budget.
And because their in-house developers viewed JEBCommerce as an extension of their team, we delivered these results at lighting speed: the mobile cart within days, and the paid search inefficiencies within just a few weeks.