3 Most Frequently Asked Questions about MyAffiliateCoach

Our affiliate manager coaching and training program has really taken off in the last 6 months. Not only are affiliate managers across the country learning both the basics and the advanced techniques, strategies and tactics to run great programs, but all our new hires here at JEBCommerce are finding both the live and on-demand lessons incredibly valuable to their development.

Here are 3 of the most asked questions about our affiliate manager coaching and training program:

How is MyAffiliateCoach different?

Does MyAffiliateCoach teach my affiliate manager advanced affiliate management techniques?

Why is MyAffiliateCoach ideal for a company with a new affiliate manager?

If you are interested in learning more about how MyAffiliateCoach can help you and/or your affiliate manager be the best they can be and grow their program aggressively in 2011, call us at 1800-208-6215 x101 or email Jamie Birch at jamie@jebcommerce.com