
5 Words to Strengthen Affiliate Relationships

In the following video, Jamie Birch from JEBCommerce, speaks to digital marketing managers about how to strengthen affiliate relationships.

In response to the current market retailers are lowering commission rates to 0%, pausing affiliate programs or otherwise not acting as true partners with their publishers. 

Put yourself in the mind of an affiliate. What does their day look like at this moment? 

They probably have hundreds of merchants calling and asking, “how can we lower commission rates and drive more sales?” or “how can you possibly help me with what’s going on?” – The focus is on “how can you help me?”

You have the opportunity right now to strengthen affiliate relationships by simply reaching out with these 5 words:

 How can I help you?

Affiliate marketing is 100% about relationships and how you treat your partners will be remembered. 

Schedule time on Jamie’s calendar here to identify 3 ways in which your affiliate program may not be promoting true partnership, and 3 ways it can be improved. Now is the time to turn the tables and strengthen relationships with your publishers.

Video: Strengthening Affiliate Relationships

Transcript of “Strengthening Affiliate Relationships” video:

Hey, this is Jamie Birch with JEBCommerce.

I just finished more content for our PDF guide on surviving and thriving through this. I wanted to share something from that project, and it has to do with your affiliate relationships.

Whether you have a vibrant, growing affiliate program or the company in general is struggling, now is the perfect time to build social capital with your affiliates and strengthen your relationships.

How do you do that? It’s about communication. Put yourself in the mind of an affiliate. What does their day look like at this moment? They probably have hundreds of merchants calling and asking, “how can you possibly help me with what’s going on?” “How can we lower commission rates and drive more sales?” The focus is on “how can you help me?”

Right now, there are many programs lowering commission rates to 0%, pausing programs, or doing other things that aren’t being perceived as true partnership with their affiliates. You have the opportunity to strengthen your affiliate relationships by simply reaching out to ask “what can I do for you?” Other options could be – what things are others doing that my brand should be doing? What is your biggest concern that I can help you solve? What do you need most from your advertisers right now?

It’s a great time to turn the tables. Affiliate marketing is 100% about relationships. Affiliates will remember the advertisers who weren’t true partners during this time and reward those who were. I challenge you to identify three ways in which your program’s structure or management may not be promoting true partnership, and three ways it could be improved. Go out and make some change!

I hope this message finds you heathy and safe! Do your part to flatten the curve. You can always reach me at gethelp@jebcommerce.com or set up time to meet at calendly.com/jamiebirch. Thanks!

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