
68% increase over previous monthly high in the affiliate program during an economic downturn.

Uncertainty is the word of the day currently. As economies change seemingly daily and retailers rush to react in the right way to this ever changing environment, the question of growth is squarely in the forefront of everyone’s mind. Can digital sales and an affiliate program grow during a global pandemic? The answer is definitely yes!

Our team worked with one of our Home and Garden advertisers to generate their best month ever in their affiliate program! It was a 68% increase over their previous high.

Here are a few things that led to that increase:

  • We worked with the client to auto-apply sitewide discounts so it made it easier for affiliates to promote and consumers to receive
  • Our team worked overtime and on weekends to give advance notice to our media and content publishers so they had time to prepare their marketing plans for these offers
  • We worked closely with those media partners and content publishers, providing custom commission schedules for better exposure to our client’s ideal customers
  • Reviewed and optimized the customer path to purchase with our PPC publishers that operate industry specific review sites to enable them to better promote our consumer offers

With so much turbulence and uncertainty in the marketplace, you need a plan, you need strategy, you need a team with years of experience and all the relationships to make things work. I get so excited hearing stories like these, but to be honest, this is our norm.

Want to learn more or get help achieving these results for yourself? Email us at and we’ll set up a free 15 minute conversation to get you started on the right path.

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