Performance Marketing News

Client Win – JEBCommerce

How Affiliate Marketing Boosted a Special Event with 40% Revenue Increase

Boost special event success with affiliate marketing. Our health & nutrition client saw a 40% revenue increase and 25% post-event growth.
Client Win – JEBCommerce

Increasing Conversion Rates Above Industry Standards

Through targeted optimization and consistent management, we helped an e-learning client achieve notable conversion rate improvements. Come find out how!
Client Win – JEBCommerce

Find Out How We Increased Affiliate Revenue 85% with Our Expert Strategies

Our expertise drove a 53% MoM and 85% YoY revenue increase for our food and beverage client’s affiliate program through strategic optimizations and partnerships. Find out how!

Tech and Strategic Partnerships Yield 328% Revenue Increase (and Win Award)

Discover how JEBCommerce, LinkConnector, and Surgent transformed their affiliate program, achieving remarkable success and winning the Partnership Awards.
Client Win – JEBCommerce

Conversion Rates Skyrocket Over 300% – Find Out How

Q1 performance growth of 300.74% YoY was achieved in the fashion verticle, thanks to focused optimization efforts with key publishers. Come see how we did it!
Client Win – JEBCommerce

Increasing Revenue While Reducing Costs by 28% – Find Out How!

JEBCommerce analyzes clients' advertising budgets to optimize spend. See how we helped one client significantly increase revenue while reducing costs through commission structure adjustment and bringing in VIP publishers.
Client Win – JEBCommerce

The Power of Compound Efforts Leads to 350% Revenue Growth

Discover how a comprehensive strategy lead to 350% YoY revenue growth in the affiliate channel!
Client Win – JEBCommerce

From Dormant to Dominant: Maximizing Affiliate Potential Yields 1375% Rev Increase!

With regular monitoring, our team was able to quickly identify potential gains, negotiate favorable terms, and execute a strategy that resulted in 1375% revenue increase!
Client Win – JEBCommerce

Find Out How We Achieved 400+% Revenue Increase in Q1 With Optimized Partnership

Achieved stunning YoY revenue increases of 400.62% in January and 445.83% in February for our sporting goods client. How? Tailored optimization with top publishers, cash-back incentives, and strategic timing. Elevate your affiliate program with the right partnerships and strategies.
Client Win – JEBCommerce

A New Year, A Bigger Boom: Find Out How Extending a Promotion Led to 57% MoM Revenue Growth

In the education vertical, our strategic planning and optimization prowess shine. Extending promotions, optimizing top publishers, and fostering strategic partnerships led to a remarkable surge in revenue, up 57.31% MoM and 22.24% YoY. Elevate your affiliate game with us!