
74% active publishers in month 5 with a 38% increase in revenue MoM

New publishers added to a program, percentage of publishers active and percentage of publishers producing are three KPI’s you need to watch when working towards your affiliate program goals in any climate, especially our current one. With this retailer in the health and wellness category, we increased sales by over 28%, productive publishers by almost 39% and active publishers by 17%. Here is how we did it:

  • Added a premier cart abandonment publisher with a cart upsell feature
  • Integrated a paid search publisher that was strategically aligned with the client’s overall search strategy to ensure revenue growth and cost reduction with no order cannibalization
  • Added a premier super affiliate in the loyalty category after several months of negotiation with publisher
  • Negotiated strong placements with two top ten affiliates
  • Exclusive vanity codes with second tier publishers that enabled them to move into the top tier of revenue production
  • 2 content/niche publishers added, activated and began producing
  • Achieved 75% active publishers and 26% producing publishers in the program!

Constant optimization, recruitment and negotiation is key to any programs viability and growth. So very proud of how our team is doing with this advertiser.

If you’d like to learn more about how we did this and how you can to, contact us at and we’ll set up a free 15 minute audit of your activities and your programs.

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