
Affiliate Crisis Marketing: Are You Paying for Canceled Orders?

Affiliate marketing is incredibly resilient. The advantage this channel offers during a crisis is tenfold. 

Unlike other advertising channels that measure cost per click or cost per impression, affiliate marketing is based on a cost per action (CPA) payment structure. Meaning you only pay for converted sales and leads … well you should only be paying for converted sales and leads.

In this video, Jamie of JEBCommerce explains that because supply chains are interrupted right now some consumers are finding their delivery time takes longer and are cancelling their orders. 

Do you know how canceled orders are being submitted to your affiliate network? 

If you don’t know, schedule time with Jamie to ensure you are not paying commission on canceled orders. Add time to his calendar here or email Jamie directly. Now is the time to work on efficiencies!

Watch the Video: Paying for Canceled Orders?


Hi, this is Jamie Birch with JEBCommerce!

I want to talk with you about making sure all aspects of your affiliate program are working correctly, specifically around order processing and cancelled orders.

Do you know how cancelled orders are being submitted to your network so you aren’t paying commission on them? If you don’t know, you should find out. You should also be sure the process is automated, as this isn’t something you should have to do manually. Make sure your cancelled orders are actually removed from the network so you aren’t paying those commissions.

You also want to review your look-back window. How many days can you go back to see orders that you may have paid commissions on that need to be cancelled or returned? How far in the past can you look to process a cancelled order? This could be 30 days, and you may need to extend to 90 days.

Many supply chains are interrupted or uncertain during this time. Some consumers are finding their delivery time is longer than the typical 2-5 days and in turn, cancelling their orders. Figure out what your cancelled and returned order process looks like. Is it automated? Is your look-back window long enough in the current climate?

If you need help with any of the above, I would love to spend some time with you. You can add time to my calendar at calendly.com/jamiebirch or e-mail me at Jamie@jebcommerce.com. Now is the time to work on efficiencies!


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