Client Win – JEBCommerce

Adding an additional 10% revenue production through optimization of one affiliate

Would you be happy about a 10% lift in incremental revenue through one partner optimization opportunity? JEBCommerce and its clients sure are! That’s exactly what happens time and time again with our team and our clients’ programs. In this example, our team was able to increase incremental revenue by 10% for one of our men’s apparel retailers. This particular program has been live for over ten years. So, let’s ask the question again, but a slightly different way: Would you be excited about an instant 10% increase in revenue in an affiliate program that has been running for 10 years, actively managed for 10 years and continues to increase every year? Me too! Here is how our team did it.

  • Each week our entire company meets and one team shares a challenge or obstacle they are encountering with one or more brands we manage
  • During that meeting our entire company can identify and brainstorm ways we can solve that challenge or overcome that obstacle for that brand
  • Many times we help each other identify new partners to work with and make introductions
  • In this case our team needed new incremental sales and one team suggested a Card Linked Offer (CLO) affiliate and made an introduction
  • Our team immediately set up a video call with this affiliate, presented the opportunity to our brand, and set about launching this slightly more sophisticated relationship
  • Working with this affiliate for a few months to identify areas and opportunities that resonated with their consumers, they settled on a few extra cash back events to participate in
  • Creatives, offers, and links were provided and this lift was realized immediately and has stayed steady for 60 days as the team is planning their next optimization

Cross team brainstorming, affiliate introductions, and active affiliate optimization led to a significant increase by optimizing this unique publisher! Great job team!

If you are having trouble optimizing your affiliate relationships or identifying partners you should be working with that increase your revenue through the affiliate channel, then give us a call. We’d love to help! Reach out to us at today!

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