Finding Focus in the Affiliate Channel - JEBCommerce

Finding Focus in the Affiliate Channel

Success within the affiliate channel comes when you have consistent focus on the right things at the right standard, over time.

But, how do you know what the right things are – especially right now? 

JEBCommerce withstood two events that greatly affected the affiliate channel: bubble burst in  2001 and a recession in 2008.

During these time periods, companies went out of business or filed for bankruptcy, and many affiliates did not get paid.

To help CMOs find focus in a time of rapid change we created “The Crisis Checklist.” 

This checklist details 18 steps to take right now. In it we help you identify where your focus should be within your affiliate channel and to benchmark against best practices. 

Download this free checklist now, and calculate your score.

Video: Finding Focus in the Affiliate Channel

Transcript of “Finding Focus in the Affiliate Channel” video:

This is Jamie Birch with JEBCommerce, coming at you from my home office with a brand new haircut!

I was at a rodeo practice with my kids this week, and it had me thinking about how many of us have made changes during this time – whether it’s in our businesses or our homes. We made changes to identify what is necessary and find out what we want to focus on. For us, it was our horses and our rodeo practice. We spend a lot of time together during this, and it’s something all four of us get to do together. While I was there, I was thinking of focus. Success comes when you have consistent focus on the right things at the right standard, over time. But, how do you know what the right things are right now? For any digital or affiliate marketers out there, this may be a big struggle.

We created something we call “The Crisis Checklist.” It goes over 18 different things, and you can benchmark yourself against best practices. This will help you identify where your focus should be within your affiliate channel. Feel free to go to our website to download this free checklist, and calculate your score. This will tell you what to focus on to get through these uncertain times!

If you need additional help, set up time with me at or e-mail us. I hope everything is going well! Thank you.

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