
Affiliate Channel Innovation: How Retailers are Thriving during COVID-19

There are two ways people naturally react to a challenge: isolate or innovate.

Within the affiliate channel there are thousands of innovators to work with at your fingertips. Instead of isolating, call your affiliates. They are on the ground with consumers and ready to innovate.

As you read this, affiliates are testing offers, merchandising and design creatives for a multitude of retailers. If you aren’t talking with them, they are probably not testing these things with your brand.

Now – pick up the phone and call five affiliates. Ask them, “what are you seeing that’s working?” and “How can I help you?”

If you don’t have a relationship like this with your affiliates, I would love to help you come up with a series of questions to ask a couple of contacts. Add time to my calendar here or email me directly. Now is the time to innovate!

Video: Don’t Isolate. Innovate!

Transcript of “Don’t Isolate. Innovate!” video:

Hey everyone, this is Jamie Birch!

During these challenging times, our human nature is to isolate and spend time with ourselves, which can often times create more problems. There are three ways in which people react during a challenge like this: paralyze, contract, or pivot.

There are certain times that warrant the first two, but there is also a time to pivot, act and experiment. That time is now.

Within the affiliate channel, there are thousands of innovators (affiliates) to work with at our fingertips. Instead of isolating, take time to think about putting yourself out there. Think about growth, instead of contraction. If you are unsure, call your affiliates. They are on the ground with consumers and ready to help innovate while working with hundreds of thousands of merchants in different ways. They are testing offers, merchandising and creatives as we speak. If you aren’t talking to them, they probably aren’t testing these things with your brand.

When I want to push the world away, conserve and isolate, I start calling people. If you feel this way too, pick up the phone and call five affiliates. Ask, “What are you seeing that’s working?” or “How can I help you?”

If you feel like you don’t have a relationship like this with your affiliates, set up an appointment with me and I will help you come up with a series of questions to ask a couple contacts to get started. Don’t do this alone. You can reach me at (contact information.) Let’s talk about having conversations with your affiliates to not just survive, but thrive during this pandemic.

If you found this valuable, please share this video. You can also follow JEBCommerce on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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