
Affiliate Crisis Marketing: Losing Orders to Broken Links

Affiliate marketing is the perfect channel to help your brand survive and thrive in our current environment because it is flexible and cost effective. In this video, Jamie Birch from JEBCommerce talks about getting back to the basics – reviewing creative. 

When JEB partners with a Brand, one of the first things we do is dig up all the out-of-date text links and/or incorrect landing pages for all affiliate marketing creative. Affiliate marketing creative includes the text links, banners and landing pages within your affiliate program. 

A highly effective affiliate strategy is to look at the creative you are providing your affiliates. Here’s what to look for:

  • Are you talking about current products and promotions?
  • Do affiliates have a variety of options to use and a clear all to action?
  • Are all your links to landing pages correct and active? 
  • Test different verbiage within text links. 
    • For example, instead of using “70% off,” try using “$50 off.” 
  • Wide variety of banner design. 
    • You should have several sets of banners that feature promotions, clearance sections, certain products, etc. 
    • We have seen that banners with a montage of products do well. 

Do you know if the text links and landing pages you provide affiliates are up-to-date? 

If you don’t know, I would love to spend some time with you to ensure you are not losing orders to broken links. Add time to my calendar here or email me directly. Now is the time to fine tune the fundamentals!

Video: Losing Orders to Broken Links?

Transcript of “Losing Orders to Broken Links” video:

Hi, this is Jamie Birch with JEBCommerce!

I hope you are healthy and safe, and that the sun is shining wherever you are.

These series of videos are discussing ways to survive and thrive in our current environment. Many people are looking for ways to continue to operate, keep employees, and even grow. One of the things to remember when struggling with an issue is, “get back to the fundamentals.”

Today we are going to talk about one of the basics – creative. These are text links and banners within your affiliate program. One effective optimization strategy is to look at the creative you are providing your affiliates. Usually, when JEB takes over a program, we find out of date text links and/or incorrect landing pages. Confirm which landing pages need to be updated.

Also, look at the verbiage being used in the creative. Are you talking about current products and promotions? You can test different verbiage within text links. For example, instead of using “70% off,” try using “$50 off.” Give affiliates options to use and include a call to action. Pause the video and check your links now!

I also suggest auditing your banners. You should have several sets of banners that feature promotions, clearance sections, certain products, etc. We have seen that banners with a montage of products do well. Look at your banners to be sure there are a wide variety offered!

These are a few fundamentals that you can optimize during this time. If you need help auditing your text links or want to run ideas by me, please set up time with me at calendly.com/jamiebirch. I would love to help you be successful. If you have any questions, please let me know!

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