
Affiliate Landing Pages: Turning Clicks into Customers

It is important to maximize every bit of traffic your brand is receiving right now. Landing pages are one of the pillars of affiliate marketing and something that we can edit right now to increase sales. 

What is an Affiliate Landing Page?

An affiliate landing page is the web page a consumer sees after clicking on an affiliate link, paid search advertisement or another medium like organic search.

These touch points must be correct and well-optimized. How do you optimize an affiliate landing page for conversion?

Start with analytics.

Dig in to your website’s analytics and find out:

  • What landing pages are seeing the most traffic?
  • Which landing pages are the most effective in converting sales?
  • Which landing pages are attracting new customers or a high AOV?

Now that you have a list of your top performing web pages, compare this to the list of landing pages in your affiliate program. 

After comparing the list, confirm that banners and text links are going to the appropriate landing page – whether it be an individual product page or category page. 

If the main landing page in your affiliate program is simply the homepage – and that’s it – then there is room for improvement.

Schedule time on Jamie’s calendar here to learn how to cut out the noise and turn your clicks into conversions.

Video: Let’s talk about landing page optimization.

Transcript of “Let’s talk about landing page optimization” video:

Hi, this is Jamie Birch with JEBCommerce!

I hope this video finds you well, healthy and safe.

Right now, landing pages are one of the main components of affiliate marketing that we can work to optimize. A landing page is the web page a consumer sees after clicking on advertising through an affiliate link, paid search or another medium.

Let’s be sure these pages are correct and optimized. I like to start with my analytics team or software. I want to find out what landing pages are seeing the most traffic, which are the most effective in converting sales, and any other pages that tend to attract to new customers or a high AOV. After I receive the list, I compare it to the list of landing pages in the affiliate program. Often, the main landing page in the affiliate program is simply the homepage, and that’s it. If this is the case, there is room for improvement.

The goal of optimizing our landing pages is increasing our conversion rate. After comparing the list, confirm that banners and text links are going to the appropriate landing page – whether it be an individual product page or category page. To visualize this purchasing process, imagine your consumer is in the middle of a discussion. If there are interruptions or disruptions (more clicks) during this process, there is a chance they will not make it to the end. Take them to the page they are looking for and remove as many choices or opportunities for the customer to leave your funnel.

When working with certain large affiliates, you can also create a co-branded or custom landing page where you will welcome the users from the affiliate website. This can also be combined with a coupon or promotion, which may help increase conversions. The landing page welcomes the user, and recognizes the customer and their intent to use a valid coupon or promotion.

It’s important to maximize every bit of traffic you are receiving now. We are seeing increases in traffic across the board, but decreases in conversion rates. Make sure the customer journey on your website is optimized, with the fewest decision points as possible.

If you need any help, set up a meeting with me. I have 30-minute increments available at calendly.com/jamiebirch. Thank you!

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