
Affiliate Marketing Cart Abandonment

In the following video, Jamie Birch from JEBCommerce, speaks to retail marketing managers about a solution for cart abandonment, UpSellit. 

During this pandemic, we are seeing an increase in ecommerce traffic, but a decrease in conversion rates. Some brands are seeing cart abandonment rates as high as 65%. 

One strategy to lower cart abandonment is to optimize affiliate landing pages and another is integrating software like UpSellit.

UpSellit identifies areas in your consumers’ click stream and presents unique opportunities based on mouse movement. 

The software can see the typical movements a consumer makes when he or she wants to leave your website. 

For example, when moving the mouse toward the URL bar or red “X”, this can typically mean they will be exiting the page or going to a new one.

You may have looked at other solutions similar to this and they can be expensive. UpSellit works on a pay-for-performance model, and they are a full-funnel conversion provider.

Integrating this type of technology into your marketing strategies will help you identify consumer behavior and movements that lead to cart abandonment, so you can present offers or use other techniques to keep the sale. 

You already have users on your website, why not make sure they convert?

We have many clients using this technology successfully! Optimization is one of the key strategies to get through this challenging environment. Schedule time on Jamie’s calendar here to learn how to cut out the noise and turn your clicks into conversions.

Video: Optimization is the key in challenging times.

Transcript of “Optimization is the key in challenging times.” video:

Hi, this is Jamie Birch with JEBCommerce! There are two things I know to be true right now: when the sun is out, it makes this shelter in place so much better. That, and I am in dire need of a haircut.

Anyway, I want to talk about another strategy to use to maximize your efforts right now. During this video, I will be highlighting an affiliate we use at JEBCommerce that optimizes really well – UpSellit. If you have followed JEBCommerce for a long time, you will know the name Jonathan Goodwin. Jon was my right-hand man here for years, but now is doing great things at UpSellit.

I want to showcase UpSellit because they focus on cart and website abandonment. During this pandemic, we are seeing brands receive an increase in traffic, but a decrease in conversion rates. One strategy to focus on is optimizing the web experience, and UpSellit can get that done.

You may have looked at other solutions like this in the past, but they can be expensive. UpSellit works on a pay-for-performance model, and they are a full-funnel conversion provider. They identify areas in your consumers’ click stream and present unique opportunities based on mouse movement. We had Jon in our office earlier this year, and he highlighted their technology first-hand. They can see the typical movements a consumer makes when he or she wants to leave your website. For example, when moving the mouse toward the URL bar or red “X”, this can typically mean they will be exiting the page or going to a new one.

Upsellit can work with you to identify consumer behavior and movements that lead to leaving your page, and help you present offers or use other techniques to keep the sale. Right now, brands are seeing abandonment rates as high as 65%. UpSellit helps you lower this rate. You already have users on your website, why not make sure they convert?

We have many clients using this technology successfully! Optimization is one of the key strategies to get through this challenging environment. If you are interested in learning more, you can contact Jonathan directly at (contact information.)

We will also be featuring other affiliates in the next few videos. If you need more information or want to talk strategy, you can reach me to set up a time at calendly.com/jamiebirch.

I hope you’re enjoying the sun and you are healthy & safe. I would love to hear from you! Thanks!

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