Affiliate Summit East 2013


Affiliate Summit East 2013…

What a great event!  As an affiliate manager for over 3 years now, I’ve had the privilege to attend 5 ASWs and 5 ASEs.  These gatherings can include 4,000+ merchants, affiliates, network staffers and can take a toll on you physically (especially if you are traveling from a different time zone, trust me).  However, Shawn and Missy do a great job, facilitating the conference and getting everyone together.

I really enjoy these summits because I get to network with new partnerships and solidify old ones.  The conference really gives you an opportunity to meet people you have been working with over the last few years, and discuss each other’s goals, company outlook, and enhancing that rapport you have with one another over some drinks.

ShareASale was kind enough to secure a table at the Meet Market for the Johnston and Murphy program.  Thanks ShareASale, we sincerely appreciate it!  The Meet Market was such as success; we were able to recruit several new affiliates into the program, especially niche bloggers, which has been our focus over the last 30 days.  Johnston and Murphy sell and manufacture high-end men’s and women’s apparel, from dress shirts, jeans, sweaters, scarves, handbags, jackets and much more. However, they are mostly recognized for their high-quality shoes.  And let me tell you, they are the most comfortable shoes you’ll ever wear.

If you haven’t been to an Affiliate Summit, you are definitely missing out.  There are giveaways, great keynote presentations, and everyone in the industry is there to rub shoulders with one another, so why not?  Also, there is ample opportunity to generate new business, so essentially it’s a win-win for everyone.  The next Affiliate Summit (ASW14) will be in Las Vegas, at the Paris Hotel in January.

Hope to see you there!

Jonathan Goodwin

If you are interested in joining the Johnston and Murphy program, feel free to apply to the program in either ShareASale or LinkShare!  With an AOV over $200 and converting 9% of their traffic, we have realized significant growth YoY for the affiliate program!  We have monthly promotions, and an assortment of products for you to promote.  Q4 is projected to be big, so check out the site, reach out to us, and let’s get started!

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