
COVID-19 Motivation for Retail Marketing Managers

In this video, Jamie Birch from JEBCommerce, speaks to retail marketing managers and other professionals managing multiple channels (and life) during Covid 19.

Every day brings new challenges. You may be burning the candle at both ends or you may have paused decision making unsure of where and how to begin.

It may feel like there are too many problems to handle between clients, staff, home and a global pandemic.  

Using two movies: “World War Z” and “The Martian” as inspiration, Jamie offers motivational tips for retail marketing managers. 

Here is how to tackle the overwhelm and paralysis that comes with managing an enterprise during an economic downturn:

Movement is Life

World War Z is likely not on the top of your watch list, all things considered, but the main protagonist (Brad Pitt) say’s something very important, “movement is life.”

You have to keep moving. You have to continue building plans to grow.

Work the Problem

One of the phrases during The Martian with Matt Damon is “work the problem.”

Outline the issues and obstacles that are in front of you – whether it be how to reduce cost per acquisition, how to manage budget over multiple channels, how to survive and keep your staff employed. 

Science the Crap out of it

Another key phrase Matt Damon says in The Martian is, “I am going to science the crap out of this.”

What data can you pull to help you understand which channels are delivering and which channels need help. 

To recap, you have to keep moving. Write down the challenges you face. Once every challenge is in front of you – in print – it may even appear much smaller than you imagined.

Next, collect the data necessary to make sound decisions. If you need assistance with this, we are here to help. 

Jamie has set aside time this week to help you identify your challenges. He has been doing this for 20 years and has managed multiple channels for multiple advertisers. 

Schedule your time on his calendar here to discuss the issues you are facing and share strategies and tactics to alleviate each of them.

Video: Two movies and one plan!

Transcript of “Two movies and one plan!” video:

Hi, Jamie Birch here from JEBCommerce!

Today’s video is especially for directors of marketing, digital e-commerce executives, marketing managers and other professionals who are managing multiple channels in their e-commerce arsenal.

I want to tell you about two movies, the first being World War Z. I know that during the current pandemic this isn’t a movie everyone wants to watch. But, the main protagonist (Brad Pitt) says something very important – “movement is life.” You may be feeling paralyzed and that every day brings you a new challenge. You may be worn out, and you may not want to do anything. I don’t want you to do that, because “movement is life.” You have to keep moving and have make plans to grow.

The second movie I want you to think about is The Martian. Two things stick out from this movie. One of the phrases said by the protagonist (Matt Damon) is “work the problem.” Each one that comes to you, you must work. So, I want you to outline those issues and obstacles you are facing – whether it be your affiliate program, how to manage budget over multiple channels, how to hit the goals you made, or how to survive and thrive.

Another key phrase he says is “I am going to science the crap out of this.” What is your personal version of this?

To recap, you may be thinking there are too many problems to handle – with clients, with staff and within the world. When I remember these movies, I think “I have to work the problem.” I encourage you to write down your vulnerabilities and challenges you are facing.

As a kid, the monster under your bed was enormous. But, once you looked underneath, it was much smaller and maybe not even there. Once every challenge has been written down, you can begin working each problem and begin your version of “sciencing” it.

If you need assistance with this, I am here to help. I have set aside time this week to help you identify your challenges. I have been doing this for 20 years and have managed multiple channels for multiple advertisers. You can up a meeting at calendly.com/jamiebirch. We will use the time to discuss issues you are facing and I will share strategies and tactics to alleviate each of them.


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