
Customized Promotions and Affiliate Optimization leads to 79% revenue increase in mature affiliate program

Can  you still find growth in a program that you’ve managed for 8 years? Heck yeah you can. And in the fashion vertical, definitely. Our team uses our 6 step Client Success map to ensure the our clients’ programs continue to grow, year after year. In fact step 5 is designed just for this type of situation! Here is how we achieved a 78% increase YoY during the pandemic:

  • Continually testing with top partners to find opportunities in a dramatically changing global and economic environment.
  • New publishers activated in the program
  • Customized consumer offers intended to increase conversion rate from traffic levels already achieved. This lead to an increase in conversion rate from 5.4% to 8.7%!

A focus on conversion rate is a unique feature with JEBCommerce. If you’d like to see how these strategies and others can help you get more out of your program, contact us at today for a free 15 minute audit!

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