
Find out how we drove a 107% increase in revenue without discounts and coupon affiliates.

A health and beauty merchant wanted to grow their affiliate program through bloggers, mass media publishers and influencers partners. Our strategic plans led to a 107% increase in revenue, 130% increase in clicks, a 128% increase in productive publishers in two months.

Here is how we achieved this growth so quickly:

  • Tested paid email campaigns with Meredith (InStyle, People, RealSimple)
  • Worked with their PR and social media teams to recruit bloggers, mass-media, and influencer partners into the affiliate program.
  • Leveraged relationships with affiliates who performed well for similar industry verticals.
  • Provided product samples in exchange for reviews
  • Optimized with current nonperforming partners with commission increases to add affiliate links to existing branded content.

*This growth was achieved without any coupon publishers.

Affiliate program growth can come from strategic partnerships with the right content, mass media and influencers. If you would like to hear more about how we can do this for you, contact us gethelp@jebcommerce.com for a free 15-minute audit.

Interested in more unique ways to deal with coupon affiliates? Read more in our affiliate channel case study on working with coupon affiliates without a discount.

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