
Marketing Managers Weekly Work Plan

Marketing managers are juggling a lot of channels and responsibilities. We are all trying to navigate the unknown – it is normal to feel overwhelmed or unsure of where to start. Jamie Birch of JEBCommerce shares his process to planning an effective weekly work plan.

For affiliate marketing hours or anyone in general planning out the main things you need to accomplish this week can be the single most effective hour you have.

And don’t forget if you would like help on finding the best way for you to plan your week, set 15 minutes up with Jamie here.

Instead of diving into your Monday using your email inbox as your task list, grab a coffee and turn off everything else and start by looking at the biggest wins and accomplishments from the previous week. 

Have a productive week by starting with reviewing the tasks you were unable to complete the previous week. Writing down any lessons learned.

After that, write down what you would like to accomplish in the coming week.

The idea is to plan time at the beginning of your week to make sure your calendar mimics your task list. Dedicating time on your calendar to get the right things done and save yourself from spinning your wheels in busy work.

In the following video, Jamie talks directly to marketing managers on how to plan an effective work week that moves your company forward.

Video: Marketing Managers Weekly Work Plan.

Transcript of “Marketing Managers Weekly Work Plan” video:

Hi, this is Jamie Birch with JEBCommerce!

I wanted to give you a tip on this early Monday morning that you can use right now. This goes out to affiliate marketers, digital marketers, or anyone in the space. I am going to outline the steps I take every Monday to make sure I plan my week right and work on the correct things. This also helps me manage the ups and downs, especially lately.

I review and plan for the week ahead using a worksheet from a coach of mine. Many times we don’t review the things we accomplished during the previous week and tend to look at the items that need to be improved. This worksheet starts my week off right by looking at the biggest wins and things that we accomplished last week. I review plans, tasks that I didn’t get to, and review my calendar. I also write down any lessons learned.

After that, I write down all that I would like to accomplish in the coming week. The idea here is to plan time at the beginning of your week and make your calendar mimic your task list. This ensures you have time dedicated on your calendar to get the right things done. Often we can feel productive after a long day, but if you are productive on the wrong tasks, it doesn’t matter. It’s just busy work. This process involves spending an hour on a Monday morning to be sure that doesn’t happen!

Also, we are facing many challenges during this pandemic. This process helps you face the up and down swings and can help you keep an even keel. Instead of diving into your Monday using your e-mail inbox as your task list, go grab a coffee and turn off everything else. Review what you got accomplished last week, write down what needs to be done this week, and open your calendar and make sure you have time blocked out for each item. End the week thinking you got the right things done!

I hope this video was helpful, and that you are staying healthy and safe. I hope you are looking forward, instead of back and taking positive steps this week. If you need help with how to plan your week or how to set your affiliate program up for success, go to calendly.com/jamiebirch and set up time with me or e-mail.

I want to help and am here to serve!

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