
My JEB Journey

As I finish out my first month here at JEBCommerce, I think back to how much has changed for me in these four short weeks. From the bustling environment of a martini bar to a desk and swivel chair, I can say quite a lot has changed and the difference in pace has created a positive new head-space for me to thrive in.

While office life is quite different than restaurant life, some similarities prevail. While not as physically challenging as the customer service industry, the same level of social intellect is needed when engaging with clients – present or not. The digital marketing realm is a beast of its own and thankfully, I had a few tools at my disposal from tending bar. Strong conversational skills are needed to not only entice clients but properly educate them on the importance of a strong affiliate channel. Americans spend an average of 24 hours online in a week. With that has come a shift in how the market functions. Many of us still want somewhat of an authentic interface experience and content bloggers, influences and other affiliate platforms can do that. They tie in these social needs while creating marketing exposure. Relationally, JEBCommerce aids in this process and helps bridge the gap, building the brand-affiliate relationship acting as a liaison to assure everyone’s best interest are carefully considered.

Another facet of JEBCommerce is the devotion to learning and growth here. Nothing is stagnant, in my first week I was given a book by Chris Voss titled Never Split the Difference and in this universally-applicable book Chris delves into to stories and lessons from his time as a hostage negotiator. The book is filled with striking psychological revelations that tap into the sensitive and safety-seeking mind we all possess. Its content goes far beyond work performance and sales, it teaches us how to better understand one another. I never knew sales would be so mindful and sociologically driven. It’s very rewarding to work alongside people that seek to relate to their clients on a deeper level then just business. This is the heart of the mission here at JEBCommerce.

In addition to our relationship minded approach, and our thirst for knowledge, we manage to provide an expert-level understanding of the affiliate game. For those who aren’t familiar with affiliate marketing I will give you a brief rundown of the process.

So, we all have those friends that spend hours reading product reviews on blogs before they commit to buy, right? (Hi, it’s me, I do that) Some of these review sites have the potential to be affiliates. Companies like RetailMeNot and Ebates are classified as coupon publishers, or cash back sites, are also affiliates. Basically, any website that influences your decision to buy a product or service OTHER than that products official website – is an affiliate. Now the key in affiliate marketing is tracking what website(s) a consumer has visited prior to their decision to buy. A cookie is a tracking device that stores information on your browser. When you visit a website, a cookie is dropped and then follows along on your path to purchase. This is a way brands can identify what bloggers, influencers, or coupon sites have influenced a consumer’s decision to buy. Since more consumers are relying on peer-reviewed content and last-minute coupons offers before purchasing, the management of these processes and relationships is crucial. That’s where we come in. We handle everything from identifying the proper publishers to represent a brand and their audience, to digging deep for data that may be concealing a gap in revenue or ROI (return on interest) in a current affiliate program.

I hope this was as fun and informational to read as it was to write and for everyone that took the time, thank you! I wanted to share a bit about this dynamic industry and my new role in it. I hope you look forward to seeing more posts and updates from me about our company and my development here. And always if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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