Conversion Audit leads to increased mobile conversions - JEBCommerce

Optimizing Mobile Conversion

Case Study
in Brief

Our client’s mobile conversion rate was not meeting company goals. After implementation, the recommendations our Conversion Audit provided improved the metric by 311%.

The Challenge

Our client, an online retailer specializing in selling refurbished and pre-owned smartphones, was experiencing a low conversion rate on mobile (0.8%) and needed a solution to improve that metric. It was critical to increase mobile conversions as mobile is a huge source of traffic and sales for ecommerce companies.

  • 53% of global online traffic comes from mobile devices (Statista)
  • 57% U.S. online traffic comes from mobile devices (BrightEdge)
  • 200% increase in interactions when mobile devices are used (Google)
  • 80% of users will complete sales when sites offer Q/A for mobile users (Google)

The Process

Our team has 20 years of web design experience, 15 years of web development experience, and 6 years in the UI/UX and Conversion Optimization fields. Over that span of time, we’ve discovered every project has its unique rewards and challenges, and this was no exception. Getting to the bottom of the conversion issue required taking the client through our 6-step Growth Optimization process.

Each phase of our process is broken down into a series of tasks, each contributing to an array of reports with hundreds of data points. At a high level, the process looks like this: Conversion Rate Audit Client Success map

In addition to being used to develop hypotheses for each successive phase, our quantitative and qualitative data gathering uncovers “low-hanging fruit” opportunities, fixes that can be implemented relatively quickly. Our process uncovered a total of 48 issues on the client’s site, 11 of which fell into the quick fix category, and some of those with a potentially measurable impact on conversion (albeit smaller).

The Results

Our team’s detailed, holistic strategy was to implement a wide variety of improvements across the client’s site that when combined would contribute to an increase in mobile conversions.

  • Product Detail Page Layout – This was among the main improvements. The layout was modified to make it more readable and easier to navigate for buyers. This also included adding indicators that items have been added to cart and consolidating all controls (color, quantity, add to cart, price and quantity available) into a single location.
  • Homepage Layout and Features – The introduction was updated to be more legible on mobile and reworded to make the purpose of the site clearer. The hero image was also modified to be more readable on mobile.Additionally, more trust-building information was added to help quickly assure visitors about the company’s services.
  • SEO – There were many optimization efforts focused on boosting the site’s visibility in search. These efforts included fixing the broken links on the sitemap, updating all page titles, meta descriptions and tags.
  • Technical Issues – We focused on fixing Page Interactive Time (PIT) on desktop and mobile, improving the mobile user experience and speeding up account creation and checkout process. To speed page load times we modified image sizes, caching policies, as well as optimization of the database and general allocation of system resources.

Over the two-week period in which we executed the service, mobile metrics saw improvements in the following areas:

  • Conversion rate increased 311%; from 0.39% to 1.59%
  • Transactions increased 312%; from 586 to 2,415
  • AOV increased 137%; from $415 to $988
  • Revenue increased 446%; from $282K to $1.5M

As the result of our in-depth analysis, we also provided insights to help optimize the experience on desktop as well. Based on a range of modifications, the client saw also realized  desktop improvements over the same time period:

  • Conversion rate up 328%
  • Transactions up 272%
  • AOV up 47%
  • Revenue up 419%

The Bottom Line

Constantly monitoring your analytics and measuring them against your company’s objectives gives you a better understanding of improvements that can be made. Once any issues are identified, you can look at systematically implementing fixes to boost performance. This is where we can help! Contact our Sales team today to see how your site can become the envy of the industry.

We’ve been working with the Affiliate Marketing team at JEBCommerce for a while when we discovered a conversion rate issue on mobile and asked their team to look into it. To our surprise, their GO/CRO team was able to quickly step in and uncover some usability issues … Thanks to their recommendations we saw a 311% increase in conversion!

– Ecommerce Manager