Performance Marketing Association Working Groups


The Performance Marketing Association (PMA)  just announced new working group structures.  I was fortunate enough to work on one of the initial working groups during the forming of the PMA, membership fees I believe, and it was a fun experience.  I got to work with some great people and brainstorm ideas on how to make the PMA great.

From their site:

The Performance Marketing Association is a not-for-profit trade association founded in 2008 by the leaders of the performance marketing industry, to connect, inform and advocate on behalf of this rapidly growing field.

The Performance Marketing Association (PMA) strives to raise the profile of performance marketing by demonstrating the value of this multi-billion marketing channel, which comprises more than 200,000 businesses and individuals. Continued growth of the performance marketing space is expected as advertisers, facing small budgets and big expectations, increasingly look to performance-based marketing initiatives to expand their business.

The restructured working groups are as follows:

  • Anti-Fraud/Anti-Abuse, sponsored by Online Intelligence (an Epic Advertising company)
  • Advertiser Practices  to Avoid Fraud, sponsored by Adperio
  • Data Feed/Content Standards, sponsored by Ebates
  • Industry Pledge to Ethical Practices, sponsored by Ebay
  • Convergence with Offline, sponsored by MediaTrust

To learn more, check out their blog.

The PMA has done some great work, and along side some amazing affiliates/affiliate managers/network, they have lead the amazon tax initiative and had some huge wins.  They have proved to be very valuable and a needed resource in our industry.  If you’d like to learn more about membership, click here.

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