Season 02 / Episode 010

Managing Through Turbulence

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The last 18 months have been some of the most challenging in our company’s history. Name an issue and you can bet we either dealt with it directly or through a client. We’re both fortunate and thankful to have emerged intact and thriving. However, this minor miracle wasn’t achieved without a lot of hard work, long hours, and a healthy dose of well-directed strategy.

In this episode, Jamie lays out the framework JEBCommerce used to navigate the troubled waters of leading and doing business during difficult times, and provides a real world example of how it could be used in your business. Be sure to give this one a listen as it may just help kick off a successful turnaround strategy.

Lastly, please keep in mind we’re here to help! If this topic piques your interest and a desire for more information, don’t hesitate to reach out at We’d be thrilled to hear from you and have an opportunity to help put you on the right path.



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