
Rapidly increasing conversion rate leads to a rapid increase in revenue!

There are many levers to pull to grow a program, and do it quickly. Your conversion rate is one of those. It is an often overlooked aspect of an affiliate program as many affiliate managers believe a site’s conversion rate is out of their control. But the affiliate program conversion rate is not out of your control. Here are the things we did to impact the conversion rate:

  • Audited all the text links and creative. We found these items hadn’t been updated in years, there were offers available that no longer worked and no text links for current top sellers.
  • Created new text links and banners that focused on top sellers, current coupons and offers.
  • Audited each and every affiliate that was driving clicks and called them. We ensured they had the best and current offers up.
  • Landing page optimization – several of the landing pages for links no longer existed, made the customer make an additional choice to continue or simply not going to a high converting page.
  • Performed a gap analysis and brought into the program top producing affiliates that always convert well.

Our highly tested and optimized processes allow us to scale any affiliate channel quickly and reliably. If you’d like to see how we can do this with your affiliate program, reach out at

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