
Solid Tactics and Merchandising lead to 22% Lift over Best Month

The past few months have been a challenging time due to the Coronavirus pandemic globally.  Advertisers have struggled to find their footing amidst an ever changing economic market and health environment.  The JEB team helped this Health & Wellness client have their biggest month ever in March, 2020, by doing the following things:

  • Adapting our merchandising strategy rapidly.  As we saw a different set of products in demand globally, we created a strategy to showcase our client’s products in that product category
  • Creative and text links – we created new text links and banners to highlight those products
  • Communication – We immediately informed our affiliates partners of this switch and created custom campaigns to highlight these products
  • Consumer offers – We shifted our promotion strategy to focus on those products and highlight additional products to increase the cart size of the average customer

These tactics led to the best month this client has ever had through their affiliate channel.  Ask us how we can help you do the same at

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