Speaking at the Affiliate Summit East 2009

The Affiliate Summit in New York City is just around the corner.  Will you be going?  Jamie Birch and Stephen Robinson will be there representing not only JEBCommerce but all of our clients as well.

Jamie also has the great privilege of speaking at this years conference.  He will be participating in a panel titled “Keeping Your Affiliate Program Clean”, moderated by David Naffziger of BrandVerity.  We work with BrandVerity on a number of accounts and we are also a reseller of their keyword monitoring service.  It’s a great service and Jamie is excited to join David on the panel.

They will also be joined by Graham MacRobie of Alias Encor and Jashua Sloan of Sloan Tech.  If you are a merchant and have struggled with maintaining the integrity of your affiliate program, whether from downloads, software or ppc poaching, this will prove to be a useful panel for you.

We will be speaking on Tuesday, August 11th at 11:30 AM in Classroom A – Gibson.  You can read more here.

If you have questions that you’d like addressed during the panel, please feel free to email them and Jamie will do his best to get them to David.  You can reach him at jamie@jebcommerce.com.

We have a few surprised up our sleeves for this conference too.  If you want info on one of the hottest parties, then stay tuned to the JEBCommerce Blog, we’ll be announcing some cool shindigs here soon.

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