The team is back from our off site meeting held in snowy Sandpoint, ID. We spent two days at the beautiful Western Pleasure Guest Ranch! If you have not had the chance to visit Western Pleasure Guest Ranch we encourage you to stop in! The team enjoyed amazing meals, breathtaking scenes and an invigorating night sleigh ride. Along with the remarkable sights and smells we experienced, the team worked together on a number of incredible team and company improvements that we hope will improve our customer service to all of our clients. Our focus was primarily on adding value. We have some exciting things to implement this year.
Now that we are back, we are excited to share with you another round of “What is JEBCommerce Reading?” Enjoy!
(Brian Secrist) SocialFlows Opens the Floodgates
(Jamie Tapia) Are you Pinterest-ed?
(Jen Dorman) 1 of every 3 phones shipped worldwide now is a smartphone
(Danielle Dougherty) Strategy Essentials You Ignore At Your Peril
(Jon Goodwin) Affiliate Relationships Building through the Ranks
(Jamie Birch) Good by Choice, by Jim Collins.
We would love to hear your comments and learn what you are reading!