Affiliate Manager Coaching and Mentoring – New JEBCommerce Service

affiliate manager coaching and mentoringWe’ve been asked, here at JEBCommerce, for some time to offer a training, coaching and mentoring program for new and veteran affiliate managers alike. Many of our clients, especially those that have used our Affiliate Assessment and Success Roadmap services, have been looking for an on-going program to help their affiliate managers become better, more efficient and run high performing programs and continually improve their program’s success.

Our clients also requested a program designed to make sure their affiliate managers, whether new or experienced, were using all the best practices in affiliate management and simply not missing any vital training and information.

It’s always been something dear to me personally as well. I love to teach, mentor others and see them grow, improve and advance in their careers. There is just nothing else like it. So today is pretty exciting for me and the rest of the team here at JEBCommerce.

Today, we are announcing the launch of our MyAffiliateCoach Affiliate Manager Coaching and Mentoring program!

Here is how it all got started:



You can also read how it all got started here.

raising up solid and high performing affiliate managers

What is it exactly?
The MyAffiliateCoach Program is a 12 week mentoring and coaching program designed to raise up solid, high performing and innovative affiliate managers, delivered one of two ways:

  • Live and On-Demand – Each lesson is delivered by myself, Jamie Birch and available online. Each week we walk members through a specific lesson, allowing ample time for their questions and our assistance with their unique and specific problems and situations. Members get a fully interactive experience with access to myself and our coaching team 24/7. It’s truly not only a comprehensive program, but customized to your needs each week as you access our years of experience in affiliate marketing to grow your program and career.
  • Or simply On-Demand – Available online and at your own pace. You receive all 12 modules up front, with weekly reminders and bonus modules delivered over 12 weeks. It’s perfect for someone who wants to go through at the speed they choose.

You choose the method of delivery that works best for you. It is comprised of 12 distinct modules, outlined below, plus several bonus modules.

* The Ideal Affiliate Manager – A Profile in Greatness
* Forecasting, S.M.A.R.T Goals and KPI’s
* Performing a Comprehensive Affiliate Assessment
* Quick Start Guide to Administration, Terms and Conditions and Regulations
* Building Strong Relationships That Last and Are Profitable
* Affiliate Recruiting and Activating
* Effective Affiliate Promotions and Incentives
* Creative and Advanced Affiliate Tools
* Developing a 6 Month Plan for Success
* Paid Search – What is best for me?
* Trouble Shooting – What to do when problems arise, and avoiding them in the first place
* Creating and Using an Affiliate Management Scorecard to be a better manager every single day

And we’ve already begun! Our first crop of members have completed the live and on-demand course. Here is what one of our members, Shane from Dean & Deluca, had to say about the program:

We are truly excited to offer this service along with our complete outsourced affiliate management and our affiliate assessment and success roadmap services .

Learn more about our Affiliate Manager Coaching and Mentoring Program.

If you’d like to speak with us directly about this, feel free to email us today to learn more.

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