New Customer Acquisition Certification and more! Continuing Ed. at JEBCommerce

SEM, new customer acquisition
Our team earned their JEBU certifications for New Customer Acquisition and Search Engine Marketing this year!

“Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back.” ~ Chinese Proverb.  I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard it expressed so clearly the importance of learning in your personal and professional growth.  When you stop learning, you simply lose ground each and every day.  And how true is that in our space – e-commerce and performance marketing?  Truly to stop learning is to drop back at an unbelievable pace.  Miss out on key legislation changes, regulations, new affiliate business models and new technology and you’ll be “so 1999” you won’t recover.

We take this concept of continuous education at JEBCommerce very serious and that is why we developed JEBUniversity.  A cross functional educational program that allows our staff to dive deeper into foundational elements of online marketing, explore more advanced performance marketing concepts and learn the ins and outs of other marketing channels.  This particular focus on complimentary online/offline marketing channels allows our teams to not only perform exemplary within the affiliate space, but also know and guide our clients on how the affiliate channel operates within an omni channel environment.  To know how one channel effects the other guides our managers to better optimize the profitability and resource allocation of our clients’ entire marketing toolbox.

Today we congratulate Maryellen Garasky and Joanna Culbertson (not pictured), Geoff Marshall, Brian Secrist, Jennifer Hawkinson, Jon Goodwin, and Jeffery Breisch on their New Customer Acquisition and Search Engine Marketing certifications!  Way to go you guys!

Our Search Engine Marketing class took place over 9 weeks and covered both Google’s PPC certification as well as a few other top resources for training.  This group concluded this class with a group project where they took a live paid search account from setup to profitability.  Great job!

Our New Customer Acquisition training has taken place over 8 weeks and concluded with a one day seminar followed by a certification test.  This training covered things such as:

  • What is New Customer Acquisition
  • How to determine who is a new customer and different ways advertisers do so
  • Why is this issue becoming more vital every year
  • Different ways to roll out new customer acquisition programs
  • Common obstacles and best practices
  • and more!

Congratulations everyone on the hard work you put into these two learning opportunities!

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Onward and upward!

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