Performance Marketing News

CJU Wrap Up

Last week I went to CJU in Santa Barbara with our owner and CEO Jamie Birch. This was my first trip to CJU and the event certainly lived up to all of the hype.  This was an exciting conference since it was my first since accepting a full time position with JEBCommerce. If you were […]

Downturn requires more analysis and accountability, enter affiliate marketing.

“Widespread budget cuts in 2009 and demands from top management to do more with less have forced corporate marketers to step up their accountability/measurement efforts and improve collaboration with other organizational departments, according to a recent survey from Marketing Management Analytics (MMA) and the Association of National Advertisers (ANA).” – MarketingVox Isn’t that the truth? […]

JEBCommerce at CJU – September 15-16

Are you attending the Commission Junction University next week in beautiful Santa Barbara California?  WE ARE!  Stephen, our Director of Affiliate Management and Jamie, our President and CEO, will be there along with several of our clients.  And we would love to meet you! We will also be accompanied by Ned Farra of and […]

Changing the commission rate of your affiliate program.

I recently wrote an article for FeedFront magazine titled “7 Essentials When Making Affiliate Program Changes” where I outlined a few things merchants/advertisers should consider when they need to make changes to the structure or finances of their affiliate program.  One of the most common things that merchants/advertisers need to alter as economies, markets and […] Affiliate Program Launch Party

Monday 9:30pm – Affiliate Program Launch Party The Affiliate Summit is right around the corner! Are you ready for 3 days of networking, learning and dare we say some fun? Well, we’d like to help you with all of those things! So, on Monday night (August 10th), starting at 9:30, will be hosting an […]

A conversation with Paul Nichols – Niche Merchants and Affiliate CMS

Today I spoke with Paul Nichols, you may remember him from his eBates days. Paul now owns and operates PublisherFocus, a consulting agency geared to help affiliates grow their business. So in a lot of ways, he provides services similar to JEBCommerce, but to affiliates not merchants. – A Conversation with Ned Farra

We have had many questions regarding the weekly promotions. Questions like "why are they only one day?" or "Can we get notification earlier?". Ned, the Associates Manager at Zappos and, and I thought it would be great to provide the answers to you through our conversation.

JEBCommerce Weekly Update – Affiliate Programs

Get the latest information on all the affiliate programs managed by JEBCommerce. I talk about the manyoffers available at 6pm - check them out here.

How do I get started as an affiliate? – JEBCommerce Question of the Week

This week an old friend of mine asked me the following question: "We talked years ago about starting a retail business online and dropshipping. I'm now in a place I want to get started making money online as an affiliate. Where do you suggest I get started?

JEBCommerce Weekly Affiliate Update March 30th, 2009

Our first in a weekly series offering news, insight and promotions for all the JEBCommerce managed affiliate programs. Learn about our promotions for LuggagePoint,, 6pm and more.