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Are Affiliate Recruitment Services Really All You Need?

“Just recruit affiliates, that’s all we need.”

As an affiliate program management agency, we are often asked if we can offer affiliate recruitment services only. 

Although a very important task, recruiting affiliates is only one aspect to advancing long term growth.

Often, advertisers want recruitment for their affiliate program because they don’t have the resources to do it themselves, don’t have the budget to pay for full service from their agency of choice, or they simply think that recruitment is all they need.

What we encounter the most is the idea that all you need is affiliate recruitment services and a really great outreach email.

Imagine you own a tire and auto repair shop.  A local direct market has approached you with a killer way to reach all 20,000 drivers in your town with a solid message sure to bring them to your door.  So, as any smart businessman would, you take part.

The campaign is mailed, 500 customers call, stop by or bring their cars in, but you only get 2 new paying customers.

This marketing strategy was a disaster and you vow to let that direct marketer have a piece of your mind.

He sold you garbage and those two customers cost you $1,500 each to acquire! To you, this was a horrible campaign you will never do again.

But there are problems in your shop. 

Your location is way out of the way. People called to get directions and decided not to come in. Those that didn’t call used Google Maps and decided to go somewhere else. People simply don’t like driving 15 miles to get their oil changed.

There is no one working the front desk, so when customers do walk in, they have to wait 20-30 minutes for you to finish with that last car and assist them. Many of them simply left. You could  have had another 10 paying customers, but they didn’t like the customer service and walked out the door.

Conversion rate overall was so far below one percent the marketing strategy did not have a chance

Can you see the destination I’m driving to in sight now? 

Affiliate recruitment is important. You should always be looking to find new affiliates. But, having a partner join your program and say “yes, I will promote you” is only the start.

To be a successful channel, affiliates need to produce revenue. 

Long term growth is achieved through activation, optimization, relationship building, product education, placement negotiation and generally understanding what your affiliate partners need to be successful

When a new affiliate joins, if you have poor or nonexistent customer service, offer no education tools, spend no time building the relationship and don’t help them optimize their marketing on your behalf the program will fail.

You can have a million affiliates and not a single one producing sales.  And when that happens, most deem the recruitment campaign as a failure. Identifying great partners and getting them to join your program, as GI Joe used to say “is half the battle”.  Getting them to be producing partners, takes time, attention, education and service

JEBCommerce has 20+ years in managing affiliate marketing for fashion, beauty and skincare, outdoor and gear and travel brands. We follow our proven process for success that combines affiliate recruitment, partner optimization, data analysis and pivoting strategies to advance long term growth. 

For advertisers who need help with their affiliate program, we offer a variety of service tiers developed to meet your needs.  Click here to schedule a 15-min call at a time that works best for you.