93% New Customer Acquisition through the Affiliate Channel? You read that right! – JEBCommerce

93% New Customer Acquisition through the Affiliate Channel? You read that right!

New customer acquisition is the holy grail for any digital marketing channel right now. As brands look to gain market share, rise out of the fog of the pandemic and push through what looks like an upcoming recession, acquiring new customers through the affiliate channel is a key target for many brands, including our client a top 5 consumer electronics brand. After years of working together new customer acquisition became the single goal for the entire organization. In the first 6 months of this year our team grew their percentage of new customers through the affiliate channel from 23% to 93% of all orders while growing top line revenue. Here is how we did it:

  • Aggressive new publisher identification and recruitment. Realizing an increase in active publishers by 233% YoY from our recruitment efforts for the brand. Our process of identification of known affiliates, affluencers and following our process of reverse engineering the customer’s path to purchase allowed us to identify the right partners and bring them in quickly.
  • Relationship building. It’s been talked about on our blog, our podcast and in the industry for 20 years, but strong relationships bread positive outcomes. Our team focused on strengthening the relationship of the brand with their top publishers to help them identify pockets of new audiences, provide them with the tools they need to be successful and helped them tweak their campaigns to get the desired results.
  • Communication and customer service. Often times what leads to success isn’t some new shiny and sexy tactic, strategy, or tool. It comes down to communicating often and well with publishers and leveraging those relationships we have with tens of thousands of affiliates. Our team is in constant communication with partners to ensure they get the service they need, identify ways we can generate more revenue and new customer acquisition, provide them with the creative, content, commission structure, and tools needed to be successful.

Finding the right strategy begins with understanding the client and their goals, building and strengthening relationships with key partners, testing new ideas and providing good ol’ fashioned customer service. You get those things and you get to enjoy the fruits of years of building those connections and strengthening your network.

And the results speak for themselves! 93% new customers through an affiliate channel that is 8 years old is unheard of, well mostly.

Let us know if you’d like our help creating and executing a strategy to realize results like these.

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