Client Win – JEBCommerce

Find out how we increased revenue 50% and click rate over 100% in just one month!

When our new client in the competitive apparel industry approached us, they were eager to revitalize and accelerate their affiliate program. They needed a partner who could not only bring fresh energy to their existing efforts but also implement strategic changes that would drive substantial growth in a short period of time.

Phase 1: Strategic Onboarding and Initial Assessment

During the initial onboarding period, our team conducted a thorough audit of the client’s existing affiliate program. We identified key areas for improvement, including affiliate recruitment, optimization of current partnerships, and ensuring that all sales and promotions were effectively communicated to partners.

Understanding the importance of having a strong affiliate network, we focused on affiliate recruitment as a top priority. By identifying and onboarding high-potential partners, we laid the groundwork for the program’s accelerated growth. Simultaneously, we optimized relationships with existing affiliates by providing them with updated marketing materials and insights into upcoming promotions.

Phase 2: Leveraging Editorial Coverage and Content Optimization

To maximize the program’s reach, our team conducted an in-depth analysis of the client’s current and past editorial coverage. We discovered numerous opportunities where the client had been featured but wasn’t fully capitalizing on the exposure. Our team worked diligently to update links in these articles, ensuring they directed traffic to the latest offers and promotions. This not only revitalized older content but also generated additional traffic to the client’s site, boosting overall performance.

Phase 3: Strategic Partnerships and Commission Enhancements

Recognizing the power of strategic partnerships, we engaged in targeted negotiations with key affiliates to explore opportunities for commission increases. These discussions were designed to incentivize higher performance and secure premium placements for the client’s products. By offering competitive commission rates, we were able to motivate partners to prioritize the client’s offers, leading to increased visibility and sales.

Results: Remarkable Growth in the First Month

The results of these concerted efforts were nothing short of extraordinary. In just the first month, the client’s affiliate program saw a 50% increase in revenue and an impressive 111% increase in click-through rates. These metrics were clear indicators of the program’s success, driven by our focused strategy on recruitment, content optimization, and strategic partner collaboration.

Conclusion: Building on Success

With this strong foundation in place, our client’s affiliate program is now positioned for sustained growth. We continue to work closely with them, refining strategies, and exploring new opportunities to drive even greater success in the months ahead.

If you would like to expand your affiliate program, we’d love to help! Reach out to us at or schedule time to discuss your needs with us.