Client Win – JEBCommerce

Unlocking success: affiliate channel outperformed other channels during Cyber Week

With uncertain economic conditions, chaos around the globe, and consumers who just can’t quite figure out if they should spend money or how they should spend money, sometimes little wins now mean a lot more than big wins in the past.

We are living in such times and our programs continue to perform for our clients. Recently, one of our clients in the consumer technology space suffered from a less than ideal Black Friday/Cyber Monday performance. The bright spot in this touch of grey? Their affiliate program.

The affiliate channel was the only channel that actually saw growth and profitability. Here is how our team did it:

  • Aggressive recruitment of new affiliates across global regions
  • Hand-in-hand partnership with networks to identify and optimize new partners
  • A smart consumer offer strategy that rewarded affiliates for participation and incentivized ideal customers to purchase
  • A strategically designed commission structure to attract the right partners
  • Adequate resourcing of agency team to make this happen

Even in uncertainty, the affiliate channel can lead the way into the future with profit, growth, and new customer acquisition.

If you are having trouble optimizing your affiliate relationships or identifying partners you should be working with through the affiliate channel, then reach out via email at or schedule time to discuss your needs with us. We’d love to help!

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