Performance Marketing News

Affiliate Marketing – A Marathon Not a Sprint

Often times I hear the question from advertisers, “Why does it take so long to gain traction in the affiliate program?” I decided it would be helpful to discuss this a bit since it is such a common question/concern. There are several factors that come into play before affiliates start to contribute greatly to the […]

Eggnog + conference calls = success

Conference calls suck. Especially big ones with large groups of people. I have always been a fan of in-person or one on one calls, however from an efficiency standpoint, I can understand the necessity. It does not mean those big calls don’t sill suck though. I am reminded of a video that I am sure […]

Affiliate Nexus Tax Laws – "The Monster Lurking Under the Bed"

You have likely heard about the Nexus tax laws (or Amazon tax) that seem to be cropping up every month..

Grand European Travel Affiliate Program Now Managed by JEBCommerce!

JEBCommerce is excited to announce that we are now managing the affiliate program for Grand European Travel!

Insight Vacations Affiliate Program Now Live by JEBCommerce!

JEBCommerce is excited to announce that we are now managing the affiliate program for Insight Vacations!

Trafalgar Affiliate Program Now Live!

JEBCommerce is excited to announce that Trafalgar has launched their affiliate program on the Commission Junction network!

Flower Delivery Express Now Managed by JEBCommerce

JEBCommerce is excited to announce that we are now managing the affiliate program for Flower Delivery Express! About Flower Delivery Express: A Detroit success story, the company has survived many challenging years in the Motor City. The business is nurtured by a legacy of determination and a commitment to provide its customers with exceptional value […]

Contiki Affiliate Program Now Managed by JEBCommerce!

JEBCommerce is excited to announce that we are now managing the affiliate program for Contiki!

Le Tote Affiliate Program Now Managed by JEBCommerce!

JEBCommerce is excited to announce that we are now managing the affiliate program for Le Tote! About Le Tote: Le Tote is a subscription box where members receive unlimited boxes of women’s apparel and accessories each month. With free shipping both ways, Le Tote makes it easy to always have something new to wear!  Join […]

Affiliate programs are like big wheels

You just brought your new baby home from the hospital. You’re freaked out a little, but at the same time so excited and can’t imagine life before that day. You feed your new baby, change its stinky diapers, and hold it while it falls asleep every night. Determined effort over countless nights with little to […]