Performance Marketing News

Learning from Chief Ramsey – You are only as good as your last service.

There are certain basic foundations of running an affiliate program such as timely checks, clear terms and conditions, consistent, acurate and timely returns processed, quick response times, good and updated creative and more. For you affiliate managers, grade yourself honestly on some of those things. How did you do the last time? How was your last service? Too many affiliate managers don't look at this way and it leads to a lack of trust from affiliates, and that hurts the industry.

Press Release – Launches

“FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE” College Golf Camps of America launches College Golf Camps of America proudly announces the launch of their new website for college and university golf programs across the country, Developed in partnership with JEBCommerce, College Golf Camps of America is the only multi-college golf camp program in the world. The College […]

JEBCommerce now managing the Doba Affiliate Program

JEBCommerce is excited and proud to announce that starting today, we are now managing the Doba Affiliate Program! "Doba simplifies and streamlines product sourcing for the emerging market of millions of web-based entrepreneurs delving into the fray of starting and/or growing a retail business." They are the premier drop shipping and product sourcing company on the web.

Learning from Chef Gordon Ramsey – Focus on the basics first.

I love to cook.  I don’t mean every day cooking like meatloaf and such.  I mean elaborate meals for all my friends.  4 or 5 course events with entirely home-made food that takes me days to put together.  Along with loving to cook, I love to watch cooking shows. My favorite isn’t so much a […]

Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers – The Networks #2 in Series

So that is pretty much my brief run down of the networks I think you should get started with. I do recommend you working with all of them as they do have different merchants in each and each one offers something different than the other.

Coupon sites becoming increasingly important – #3 in series

Overall, I hope this series has shown that you can't outright dismiss the importance of this group of affiliates. They drive an incredibly amount of sales, many are incredibly responsive, professional and really good people. Many of them I consider close friends and leaders in this field. Often times you can engage these affiliates in your couponing strategy and they can provide you with some great information and ideas. Afterall, they work with your competitors and they know what converts. They may prove to be very valuable partners.

Online Traffic to Coupon Sites Increases – 2nd in Coupon Research Series

It is becoming increasingly important to participate on these websites and take care of these partners. It's not so much about branding anymore, it's simply about sales. If you are where the consumers are, they will shop with you, if not, well then a better placed competitor will get the chance to close the sale.

Monetizing Your Blog with Affiliate Programs

Many of us in the affiliate community noticed that "affiliate marketing" was relatively new to this audience of bloggers. Some even said that 90% of the attendees had no idea what affiliate marketing is and how to get involved, let alone that they can use these relationships to monitize their blogs.

JEBCommerce is excited to be working with!

So, if you are not working with Zappos, let's get started today! Here is what you do, you can email me, with your CJ PID at I'll extend an offer to you through CJ and Ned and I will do all we can to make sure you are successful this holiday season. If you have any questions or need any other help, just give me a call at 208-635-5164.

AvantLinks' Advanced Link Encoder – One Cool Tool

And there is the second benefit for affiliates, and merchants. Since the affiliate can use a direct link, they can then pass their link juice to the merchant. I have been told of affiliates that were able to acquire a few more points on commission in turn for using the ALE exclusively and direct linking to a specific merchant. More power to the affiliates here, and an added benefit for merchants.