Performance Marketing News

JEBCommerce Weekly Update – Affiliate Programs

Get the latest information on all the affiliate programs managed by JEBCommerce. I talk about the manyoffers available at 6pm - check them out here.

JEBCommerce Testimonial –

“I have worked with Jamie and JEBCommerce for many years now and each and every program he has been a part of has been successful for us. I truly believe his excellent understanding of how to work with affiliates and communicating their value to the merchants has played a great role. So often affiliate managers […]

How do I get started as an affiliate? – JEBCommerce Question of the Week

This week an old friend of mine asked me the following question: "We talked years ago about starting a retail business online and dropshipping. I'm now in a place I want to get started making money online as an affiliate. Where do you suggest I get started?

JEBCommerce Weekly Affiliate Update March 30th, 2009

Our first in a weekly series offering news, insight and promotions for all the JEBCommerce managed affiliate programs. Learn about our promotions for LuggagePoint,, 6pm and more.

JEBCommerce Testimonial –

Testimonial from Jonathan Tanner of

10 Reasons to Hire An Outsourced Affiliate Program Manager

10 Reasons to Hire An Outsourced Affiliate Program Management Company

JEBCommerce now managing

JEBCommerce has been working closely with the Zappos team on their affiliate program for some time now. With both excitement and pride, JEBCommerce would like to announce that, in conjuntion with Ned Farra and his team, we are now managing the affiliate program!

Learning from Chef Gordon Ramsey – Know Your Competition

Whether you are a local restaurant, like in the video below, or you run a niche retail site, knowing how you fit in with your competitors can be the difference between throwing money down a pit and reaping the rewards of a successful business.