Performance Marketing News

How do I find more of {insert type of affiliate here} affiliates for my affiliate program?

We recently finished another round of our MyAffiliateCoach affiliate manager training, and without doubt this question was probably the very first one asked by every student.  “Jamie I need more loyalty affiliates.”  “Jamie, how do I find more mommy bloggers?”  “Jamie, where can I find more outdoor and pet type of affiliates?”  Let’s get one […]

The Importance of Affiliate Communications – practical ecommerce

Communications with your affiliate partners is one of the most, if not THE most important part of your strategy to manage a successful affiliate program.  Affiliate Newsletters tend to be the core of any good communications strategy.  Early last year, JEBCommerce redesigned our entire newsletter template system, and together with our entire staff, developed a […]

What Merchants Want from Affiliates

I’m now working on my 13th year in the online marketing field. I really don’t feel that old, but wow, in this online world that sure is a long time. I remember a few colleagues of mine were joking at the last affiliate summit that one online marketing year is worth 7 brick and mortar years.  So […]

Join the 99designs and Egnyte Affiliate Programs

There has never been a better time to join these programs.  The first quarter of the New Year is when companies are looking to invest in their business, and resolutions have been made to start new businesses and new projects. When you promote 99designs and Egnyte you’re providing your visitors with access to the resources […]

MyAffiliateCoach Testimonial

We just wrapped up another MyAffiliateCoach training/mentoring session. We had some great students that made amazing headway into their programs. I always enjoy teaching new affiliate managers the ins & outs of affiliate management. It really is one of the more enjoyable aspect of my work day. It was great to see our 12 week […]

3 ways to serve your affiliates more effectively.

We are always looking for ways to better service our affiliate partners. Happy affiliates that have everything they need to be successful will be just that… successful. And you want them successful with your affiliate program, so it’s important to continue to strive for great customer service in all your dealings with affiliates. And to […]

An Interview with AFFMETER

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of jumping on the phone with the founder of AFFMETER, Firuze Gokce. I had heard about this tool for affiliates from an affiliate friend of mine and thought it would be great to get the lowdown. From their site: “Affmeter is a focused, structured and manageable environment […]

It's not just us, Chef Ramsay is popular – free SEO webinar

For a while I thought maybe my wife and I were the only ones watching Hell’s Kitchen and Kitchen nightmares. If you’ve read this blog for a while, you’ll remember I like to post about things you can learn from watching that show that relate to your business. To my surprise, today I saw Linkshare […]

Getting the most out of your affiliate manager, comments on Logan Thompson's post.

Getting the most out of your affiliate manager - Logan Thompson's blog post and Jamie Birch's comments. A few notes on how to get the most out of your affiliate manager.