Performance Marketing News

Omni-Channel Marketing – How Do Affiliates Fit?

The internet and various technologies have created an all-encompassing omni-channel, where consumers can find what they are looking to purchase in a brick & mortar location, via internet connected devices like the phone, laptop, tablet, desktop, and even smart watches! How does this affect your marketing efforts and where do affiliates fit?

Creating SMART Goals For Your Affiliate Program

Picture yourself, Monday morning rolls around and you head off to work. Like most, you grab your cup of coffee and start planning out the week ahead of you. Before you know it, Friday arrives, and you feel as though you barely accomplished anything during the week. Let’s face it, we have all been there […]

Work/Life Balance: How My Life Has Changed for the Better Since Coming to JEBCommerce

Growing up, my grandparents owned a service station and quick mart in the little town of Sandpoint.  My grandfather would work long hours ensuring the family business was successful and able to not only provide for he and my grandmother but also my Dad and a handful of other employees.  My Dad worked hard to […]

Growing Affiliate Programs With Minimal Optimization Tools

Last winter I was attempting to work on my truck because both the starter and the alternator needed to be replaced. It did not go smoothly or quickly to say the least, but eventually, with several uses of certain words I won’t mention here, I was able to get it done. (Not to mention I had […]

Lessons I’ve Learned from My Dog that Apply to Affiliate Marketing

I would definitely call myself a dog person. I love dogs because they are always positive and happy to see you. They can sense when you are feeling down and comfort you. My dog Watson is hand down my best friend and has brought so much joy to my life. Being so close to my […]

How Einstein’s Riddle Explains Channel Diversification

I am always on the lookout for great thought experiments. I love them, and I can often use them for metaphors for affiliate program management. It’s a great teaching tool, a lot of fun to talk about, and a great way to merge two really fun topics. While I am not a big fan of […]

Proper Affiliate Distribution is Like Weight Lifting

There are tons of affiliates out there, so getting the right publishers in the program will be instrumental in the success of the channel, similar to lifting weights properly.

How to best utilize affiliate/vendor partners – A total Ecommerce perspective

I was speaking with an advertiser the other day, and they asked about how non-traditional affiliates fit within the affiliate program. It’s a great question, and one that we get often. The reason it’s a great question is that often there is an untapped segment of affiliates who can help with more than just driving […]

Your Affiliate Program Strategy is Like Smoking a Brisket

Gotta love the spring and summer time. Which means it’s time to bust out my smoker! Although bar-be-que’n is fun, there is just something about smoking foods, that get’s me all giddy. The process is lengthy, and you have to have a well-thought out approach to ensure you achieve the right taste, texture, and smoke. […]

How Taking Accountability Will Improve Your Work and Personal Life

Holding yourself accountable in both professional and personal situations will transform your life and your relationships with those around you. If you aren’t familiar with the term accountability, a simple way to think about it is a mindset where you acknowledge the role you play in certain outcomes (positive or negative) instead of thinking things […]