Performance Marketing News

Your Affiliate Program Strategy is Like Smoking a Brisket

Gotta love the spring and summer time. Which means it’s time to bust out my smoker! Although bar-be-que’n is fun, there is just something about smoking foods, that get’s me all giddy. The process is lengthy, and you have to have a well-thought out approach to ensure you achieve the right taste, texture, and smoke. […]

How Taking Accountability Will Improve Your Work and Personal Life

Holding yourself accountable in both professional and personal situations will transform your life and your relationships with those around you. If you aren’t familiar with the term accountability, a simple way to think about it is a mindset where you acknowledge the role you play in certain outcomes (positive or negative) instead of thinking things […]

9 Ways an Affiliate Manager Can Prepare for the Launch of a New Program

Launching a new affiliate program is an exciting time but there is a lot that goes into a successful new program launch. As an affiliate program manager, your hands are tied in a lot of ways with waiting on contracts and technical integration. However, there are a lot of things you can personally do that […]

Chasing Fireflies Affiliate Program Now Managed by JEBCommerce

JEBCommerce is excited to announce we are now managing the Chasing Fireflies Affiliate Program. About Chasing Fireflies: Chasing Fireflies celebrates childhood and the bond between parents and their children by selecting magical children’s products that will surprise and delight young and old alike. From party dresses to costumes, you are sure to find the perfect […]
5 ways to suck at managing overwhelm

5 Ways To Suck At Managing Overwhelm

Something I have noticed with a lot of people recently is that everyone works very hard to make sure they live their day-to-day lives with the maximum amount of overwhelm possible. From the moment they wake up, to their “down” time in the evening, they work on staying overwhelmed throughout. I know what you must […]

How to Optimize Health and Fitness Clients in Q1

If you’re like me then you have probably noticed a few more unfamiliar faces in the gym over the last couple of months. While it may be slightly annoying competing for the same equipment / machines, it’s great to see people ready to change their routines and commit to a healthier lifestyle, and for companies […]

The Biggest Mistake in Affiliate Marketing

Now that the rush of Q4 is behind us, and many of you have been able to settle in to the new year, it’s time to look ahead. Many of our affiliate marketing clients are working with us on their entire 2016 and 2017 plans and one common question we field is “What is the […]

What You Can Learn from Looking At Competitors’ Affiliate Programs

One of the first and most important things we do when onboarding a new client at JEBCommerce is take a close look at their top 5-10 competitors’ affiliate programs. Since affiliates have so many choices for which programs to join and which merchants to promote on their websites, we want to make sure our clients’ […]

Eggnog + conference calls = success

Conference calls suck. Especially big ones with large groups of people. I have always been a fan of in-person or one on one calls, however from an efficiency standpoint, I can understand the necessity. It does not mean those big calls don’t sill suck though. I am reminded of a video that I am sure […]

Affiliate Nexus Tax Laws – "The Monster Lurking Under the Bed"

You have likely heard about the Nexus tax laws (or Amazon tax) that seem to be cropping up every month..