Performance Marketing News

How S.M.A.R.T Goals made me a better affiliate manager

I remember a time, farther back than I care to mention, when I managed programs, well, from the hip.  Runnin’-n-Gunnin’ is what we call it now.  As a new affiliate manager, I just didn’t know any better.  When I was asked what my program goals were, or where I wanted to be, I would just […]

Affiliate Manager Coaching Workbook

Last week we launched our affiliate management coaching and mentoring program, MyAffiliateCoach. A few days later we received our first printed workbook, over 140 pages of worksheets, tips and best practices. Here is a brief walk through. You can actually get to see the first 15 pages at blurb (the price is for our on-demand […]

Why are you making it hard for your affiliates???

Guest Post – Joe Sousa “From time to time, we have the good fortune of having a well respected, successful and knowledgeable individual provide a guest post for this blog.  Today is one of those special days. Joe is a close friend of ours and his opinion as an affiliate is one we rely on […]

Warning – if you aren't using a scorecard, you aren't being as effective as you could be.

Just a few moments ago, I wrapped up a meeting with our Director of Affiliate Management and all our affiliate managers.  We went over our affiliate scorecard during this meeting.  We use scorecards pretty extensively in managing our clients’ programs to ensure that we continue a methodical march forward to make sure we hit our […]

Are you an "Ideal Affiliate Manager"?

Are you an ideal affiliate manager?  We have been working with affiliate programs since 1999 and at times, we made some mistakes.  I know, for those of you who know me personally, that is probably hard to believe (said with my most sarcastic voice), but it’s true. Many of these mistakes come from simply not […]

Planning for the holiday season.

GetElastic, an enterprise ecommerce solution provider, recently posted about preparing for the ever-important Christmas and holiday season.  I honestly can’t believe that we are actually starting to think about that already, I am just starting to enjoy the summer that came a little late and looks like it will be leaving all to soon. But, […]

Referral Laundering and more, my interview with Dave at Brandverity

Jamie and David Naffziger, of BrandVerity, discuss referral laundering, geotargeting and other things affiliate managers should be looking out for to protect their program, their affiliates and their bottom lines. Dave Naffziger runs and operates BrandVerity, a company that provides a service called Poachmark.  “Poachmark is a service that monitors paid search for affiliate abuse […]

Differentiate yourself against your competition

Zak Stambor wrote a great article at about online office supply retailer and their amazing feat of increasing sales by triple digits in our current economic climate. “Even last year, in one of the worst economic environments in the past 50 years, it grew an Internet Retailer-estimated 33%, to an estimated $100 million […]

No Clicks, No Sales, No Impressions? Don't Remove

I saw this response on ABestWeb a while back, and apologize that I don’t have that thread included here, sorry.  This person responded to a termination letter they received because they had no clicks or sales in that particular program.  His response is a perfect reason why you don’t remove affiliates based on inactivity.  I […]

Multi Channel Retail Affiliate Program Optimization

4 things every multi-channel retail affiliate manager should be looking at to optimize their affiliate program. From new to file percentage to margin contribution, things you should be looking at.